Following the devastating and unspeakable loss of our beloved Josh on August 8, 2017, the concept for JSH was founded. For those of you who did not know Josh, he was a unique and loving person who had a special talent in developing friendships and sharing his life with anyone interested. He connected with others through his music, infectious laugh and carefree disposition. He called his immediate friendship circle "his Squad" which continued to grow each year. His love for making music and sharing this gift with all of us made Josh an amazingly special human being. His smile will light up a room and his friendships and love will be everlasting.
The concept of losing a loved one is inconceivable. The pain and grief is terrifying as our family grapples with our different life moving forward. We try to derive strength and comfort from our family, friends and community. Each day we experience our struggles and heartache but we continue to move forward as Josh would have wanted. We decided that we would honor our brave, smart, funny and talented Josh by sharing with all of you his gifts and his ability to unite friends, and create an accepting environment for everyone interested.
Josh's Squad House is the representation of Josh's gifts. His no judgement philosophy was simple, "be a lover, not a hater". Josh was able to rise above criticism of his music by working harder to reach as many people as he could. The message in his music was about acceptance and being the best that you can be. He elevated spirits and maintained an "inclusive" environment for all that belonged to the Squad.
It is from Josh's unique and so very special personality that we strive to honor him in creating something that he would be so proud of...Josh's Squad House.
Every second, minute, hour and day we think of Josh. He will forever be in our hearts and minds. Please take time to get to know what a beautiful person he is and was and help support our mission.